Access Bank Plc has listed additional 6.6 billion shares arising from the scheme of merger with Diamond Bank Plc on the Nigerian Stock Exchange.
The NSE said further to the market bulletin of March 20, 2019, with reference number: NSE/LARD/LRD/MB19/19/03/20, wherein the market was notified of the suspension of trading in the shares of Diamond Bank, following the court sanction of the scheme of merger between the two banks.
It said dealing members were notified that the National Council of the NSE on March 29, 2019 approved the listing of 6,617,253,991 ordinary shares of 50 kobo each of Access Bank resulting from the scheme.
The shares of 6,617,253,991 ordinary shares of 50 kobo each of Access Bank were listed on April 1, while the entire 23,160,388,968 ordinary shares of Diamond Bank were delisted from the daily official list of the Exchange.
The NSE said the total issued and fully paid up shares of Access Bank had increased from 28,927,971,631 ordinary shares to 35,545,225,622 ordinary shares of 50 kobo each.
The NSE also listed the bank’s N15bn green bond on Monday.
The five-year, 15.5 per cent fixed rate senior unsecured green bonds, which would mature on March 18, 2024, was described as the first-ever climate bonds standard certified corporate green bond to be issued in Africa.
The green bond has also been awarded a B2 rating by Moody’s and verified by PwC (UK).
The Group Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer, Access Bank Plc, Mr Herbert Wigwe, said, “With our pace-setting experience in mainstreaming of sustainability in our business operations, we are confident that this green bond will further help in supporting environmentally friendly investors to meet their investment objectives, while simultaneously supporting the bank’s customer towards realising growth opportunities in the fast-developing low carbon economy.”