Government urged to harness economic potentials in Bunu

Government at all levels have been urged to harness the economic potentials of the Bunu people in Kabba/Bunu local government Area of Kogi state in North Central Nigeria.

This call was made at the end of a ten day campaign by Bunu Emancipation Team.

Founder of the group, Mr. Olu Majek said the campaign was to draw the attention of government to the potential of the area comprising about forty villages.

“Bunu district is blessed with vast arable land, solid mineral resources as well a huge human capital at a point government is diversifying the economy of the nation, this area has enough to offer” he said.

He however decried the lack of necessary infrastructure which he said has mitigated the development of the area.

“We are farmers and traders, we cannot transport our farm produce because of poor roads, our farm produce are perishing, we need roads, we deserve infrastructure” he added

Also speaking, a member of the team, Mr. Ibiseun Aroniyo said it is inappropriate that Bunu District, with 40 communities, spread over 85% of the total land area of the vast Kabba Bunu Local government of Kogi state, has only 8 secondary schools and called on government to build more schools in the area.

“More inappropriate is the fact that those 8 schools are not well funded or equipped, while only 2 list science subjects as part of their curricula. We call on government to establish more basic and secondary educational institutions as well as give adequate human, material and financial resources required for a more effective study and administration in the existing ones in our district,” he emphasised.

In the same vein, Mrs. Towonifinni Mosiko, while advocating better road network for the district, said thepeople are completely shut in/out of the communities, as soon as the rains sets in.

“The roads have become death traps to passengers. Our agricultural produce suffers mass loss, due to bad roads, which does not allow for easy and quick transportation,” she stressed.

On his part, Dr. David Olorunfemi said there are absences of functional basic health care delivery facilities across the district and urged the government to prioritise healthcare delivery.

The group urged the government to come to their rescue by providing basic infrastructure to enable them contribute to the generation of revenue to the government and provide employment to the youths.