Forex expert warns Nigeria against global trade war, recession

A foreign exchange expert with AFX Group, Mr. Claud Harvard, has warned Nigeria against the global trade war and looming recession.

Harvard, who is a business development/sales associate at AFX Group, spoke at a press conference on the upcoming 2019 MBA Forex financial investors summit scheduled to hold in Lagos.

He expressed concerns over the negative experiences of some Nigerians who invested in forex.

Harvard described the summit as an amazing opportunity for Nigerians to learn about the global trends in forex.

He said, “The financial world is changing and there are lots of opportunities that Nigerians can explore. Most of the brokers operating in Nigeria are not regulated and this has made a lot of people to get the wrong information and act wrongly.

“The whole world is in some sort of recession. There is a trade war which is a global business world war. It involves the financial institutions of some countries trying to destroy another country using the financial sectors. For instance, having challenges with the value of Naira could be an attempt to control Nigeria oil prices.”

The Managing Director of MBA Forex International, Mr. Maxwell Odum, lamented that many Nigerians were still facing instability with their funds.

He said, “Nigerians are hungry for a change in their finances and stability of their funds. We want to change the narrative and horrible experiences. The 2019 MBA Forex financial investors’ summit was birthed by the recent business partnership between MBA Forex and AFX Group that is now the parent body of MBA Forex Limited.

“The partnership stands to open more secure non-banking liquidity platforms for the Nigerian market and Africa as a whole.”

The Country Manager, Fintec Global Markets, Joel Adoki, urged Nigerians to key into forex trading.