Nigeria’s GDP records 0.55% growth in Q2,2017

Data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) has shown that indicate that Nigeria’s economy grew 0.55 percent in Q2 2017 compared to -0.91 percent (revised) in Q1 2017 and -1.49 percent in Q2 2016.

This reveals that Nigeria is finally out of recession.

The statistics office attributes the economic recovery to the performance of four main economic activities comprising oil, agriculture, manufacturing and trade.

Oil GDP recovered significantly from -11.63 per cent in Q2 2016 to 1.64 per cent in Q2 2017, while Non-oil GDP grew marginally at 0.45 per cent.

Agriculture grew 3.01 per cent in Q2 2017, from 3.39 per cent in Q1 2017.

Manufacturing retained its positive growth for the second consecutive quarter in Q2 2017, growing at 0.64 percent, while trade which has a dominant share of GDP remained negative at -1.62 per cent.

Electricity and gas and financial institutions sectors also recorded strong growths OF 35.5 per cent.

Financial institutions also witnessed an 11.78 per cent jump in Q2 2017, compared to 0.60 per cent in Q1 2017 and -13.24 per cent in Q2 2016.

The industry sector grew positively by 1.45 per cent in Q2 2017, after nine consecutive quarters of negative growth since Q4 2014.