500,000 teachers to be employed by govt need training– Osibogun

Are you in support of the Federal Government’s policy of conditional cash transfer to the poor?

I am in support of it but it has to be done right and in a creative manner. There must be statistics. The government must identify the beneficiaries, design how it will be implemented, the processes involved, how it would be monitored and the overall goals and objectives. There must be a blueprint on it before it can commence. Because once this is done right, you will discover that at least 60 per cent of those who will receive the money will be able to start a business and grow it.

In many organisations, especially religious bodies, some give out N2000 to members to start business and we have seen some people who sell bean cake starting off with N2000 and from there they have been able to educate their children and even build houses. I believe if it is done right, people can grow from the N5000 stipend to achieve a lot in life.

How can the government identify the beneficiaries?

That is where the churches come in; the mosques, the neighbourhood association and community stakeholders. They can help in identifying beneficiaries so that there will be no duplication of identities. If not well planned, there may be duplication and some people can receive it four times. If there are stakeholders involved, duplication can be avoided. The local government can also participate. I have seen two or three people in petty trade who have been able to train their children in school.

Should the physically challenged people be allowed to participate?

There are two types of physically challenged people. There are people whose physical challenges are visible while others are not visible. For example, sickle cell impaired people and others who have abnormalities that are genetic.

I believe they should be among the beneficiaries. I have seen a physically challenged man at the British High Commission in Lagos who sells recharge cards. I had to interview him one day; he stays on the mainland and goes to the Island every morning to sell recharge cards to those who are waiting. They have the creativity to use the money wisely. It is not only the involvement of the government that we need; we need the communities and religious organisations to participate in identifying beneficiaries.

The government wants job creation to be private sector-driven. What kind of enabling environment should government provide for the private sector?

The private sector is not made up of charity organisations. They are there to stay and grow. But we find out that most companies experience high cost of doing business and are living on a tight rope. They have problems of insufficient power supply and they have to use generators to supply electricity; poor infrastructure and insecurity are affecting them. They have problems with government policies that are not stable. Double taxes are major challenges. The government should see how it can really streamline the taxes and let us know who and who are responsible for each one. We have the situation in the banks where stamp duty is deducted and administrative charges are deducted at will. At the end of the day, you realise that you are left with nothing to grow the business and pay salaries. That is why organisations cut cost and workers’ salaries. Even the ability to develop the workers becomes an issue because there is no extra money and they are struggling to pay their salaries.

The government plans to deploy 500,000 graduates. How should it go about the training to produce quality teachers?

There is a policy that you cannot be a teacher unless you have the NCE certificate or have studied a course in education. But let us look at this as a crash programme and as a way to jump-start these graduates who are roaming the streets. They can have a crash programme of one or two days. It will be a ‘train the trainers’ programme where teaching skills, how to develop lessons and train their students so that they will assimilate will be taught.

They would be exposed to training aids. We should see how they can be trained and equipped so that they will be able to present themselves properly and accepted by the students.

Many of these graduates may have the knowledge but the ability to transfer the knowledge to their students may not be there. That is where the teaching skills and the teaching attitude come in.
