President Buhari mourns Nigerian renowned Journalist

President Muhammadu Buhari has sent his condolence to the family of former Managing Director of Champion Newspaper Nigeria and one of Africa’s foremost Public Relations practitioners, Bob Ogbuagu.

President Buhari also commiserates with all the professional colleagues of the late Ogbuagu.

“Ogbuagu consistently followed the path least travelled by many in his profession in order to establish Public Relations in Nigeria and Africa, agreeing to serve as the President of the Nigerian Institute of Public Relations and Federation of Africa’s Public Relations Associations,” he stated.

President Buhari saluted the uncommon courage, foresight and integrity that Ogbuagu brought into the practice of Journalism and Public Relations.

He attributed his success to the lessons drawn from the nationalist movements and inspirations from the late President of Nigeria, Dr Nnamdi Azikiwe.

The deceased spent most of his life in the service of God and nurturing the growth of journalism and Public Relations in Africa.

President Buhari prayed that God would grant the family and close associates the fortitude to bear the loss.